838 research outputs found

    Managing Agricultural Price Risk in Developing Countries

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    We survey the experience of risk management in developing country agricultural supply chains. We focus on exposure, instruments, impediments to access and developing country futures markets. We draw on lessons from experience over the past two decades.Commodities, Risk Management, Developing Countries

    Temporal order processing of syllables in the left parietal lobe

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    Speech processing requires the temporal parsing of syllable order. Individuals suffering from posterior left hemisphere brain injury often exhibit temporal processing deficits as well as language deficits. Although the right posterior inferior parietal lobe has been implicated in temporal order judgments (TOJs) of visual information, there is limited evidence to support the role of the left inferior parietal lobe (IPL) in processing syllable order. The purpose of this study was to examine whether the left inferior parietal lobe is recruited during temporal order judgments of speech stimuli. Functional magnetic resonance imaging data were collected on 14 normal participants while they completed the following forced-choice tasks: (1) syllable order of multisyllabic pseudowords, (2) syllable identification of single syllables, and (3) gender identification of both multisyllabic and monosyllabic speech stimuli. Results revealed increased neural recruitment in the left inferior parietal lobe when participants made judgments about syllable order compared with both syllable identification and gender identification. These findings suggest that the left inferior parietal lobe plays an important role in processing syllable order and support the hypothesized role of this region as an interface between auditory speech and the articulatory code. Furthermore, a breakdown in this interface may explain some components of the speech deficits observed after posterior damage to the left hemisphere

    Student Philanthropy: Plant It Nurture It Harvest It: A Handbook for College And University Faculty

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    This handbook for college and university faculty was produced by the Scripps Howard Center for Civic Engagement at Northern Kentucky University (NKU) as an effort to share what the University has learned about student philanthropy. NKU hopes this handbook leads to the growth of student philanthropy on campuses and in classrooms everywhere

    Irritable Bowel Syndrome patients exhibit depressive and anxiety scores in the subsyndromal range

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    Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) patients frequently experience affective disorders and psychiatric outpatients frequently meet criteria for IBS. The exact nature of this co-morbidity is not clear. 34 patients with Rome-II diagnosed IBS were recruited from a Gastroenterology clinic. Patients with social anxiety disorder (10 SSRI-remitted and 7 untreated subjects) were used as a psychiatric comparison, 28 normal subjects from our register were included as a fourth group (Volunteers). Depressive and anxiety symptoms were measured by the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and Spielberger Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), respectively. Personality traits were measured with the Swedish universities Scales of Personality (SSP). IBS subjects had BDI and STAI scores intermediate between those of volunteers and patients, despite their lack of a co-morbid psychiatric diagnosis. A principle component factor analysis of the SSP dataset corresponded closely to the solution published with other samples. ANOVA revealed significant between-group differences for 7 of the 13 SSP variables

    Increased seed consumption by biological control weevil tempers positive CO\u3csub\u3e2\u3c/sub\u3e effect on invasive plant (\u3ci\u3eCentaurea diffusa\u3c/i\u3e) fitness

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    Predicted increases in atmospheric CO2 and temperature may benefit some invasive plants, increasing the need for effective invasive plant management. Biological control can be an effective means of managing invasive plants, but the anticipated range in responses of plant–insect interactions to climate change make it difficult to predict how effective biological control will be in the future. Field experiments that manipulate climate within biological control systems could improve predictive power, but are challenging to implement and therefore rare to date. Here, we show that free air CO2 enrichment in the field increased the fitness of Centaurea diffusa Lam., a problematic invader in much of the western United States. However, CO2 enrichment also increased the impact of the biological control agent Larinus minutus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) on C. diffusa fitness. C. diffusa plants flowered earlier and seed heads developed faster with both elevated CO2 and increased temperature. Natural dispersal of L. minutus into the experimental plots provided a unique opportunity to examine weevil preference for and effects on C. diffusa grown under the different climate change treatments. Elevated CO2 increased both the proportion of seed heads infested by L. minutus and, correspondingly, the amount of seed removed by weevils. Warming had no detectable effect on weevil utilization of plants. Higher weevil densities on elevated CO2 plants reduced, but did not eliminate, the positive effects of CO2 on C. diffusa fitness. Correlations between plant development time and weevil infestation suggest that climate change increased weevil infestation by hastening plant phenology. Phenological mismatches are anticipated with climate change in many plant–insect systems, but in the case of L. minutus and C. diffusa in mixed-grass prairie, a better phenological match may make the biological control agent more effective as CO2 levels rise

    Rockfish size and age: The crossroads of spatial protection, central place fisheries and indigenous rights

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    AbstractIndigenous people harvest wild species for food and cultural practice, fundamentally linking biodiversity conservation and indigenous rights. Rockfishes (Sebastes spp.) are culturally significant to indigenous people (or First Nations) of coastal British Columbia (BC), Canada, who regulate their harvest under traditional governance structures. First Nations elders, however, have observed a decline in the body sizes and abundance of rockfishes, which coincides with increased exploitation by non-indigenous fishers. Rockfishes are vulnerable to overexploitation because fecundity and offspring quality increase with maternal size or age, yet fisheries truncate size and age structure. During 2006, 2007 and 2013–2015, we worked with the Wuikinuxv, Nuxalk, Heiltsuk and Kitasoo/Xai’Xais First Nations of BC’s Central Coast, examining rockfish population characteristics at 282 of their fishing sites. We used hook-and-line gear to collect fishery independent data, and sampled landings from First Nations subsistence fishers. Spatial fishery closures served as experimental treatments. We also applied central place foraging theory to predict declines in size, age and abundance with increasing distance from recreational fishing lodges and other ports. Analyses used linear mixed models and controlled for environmental variables. Our results suggest that spatial closures for commercial and recreational fishers led to greater size and abundance of some, but not all rockfishes, possibly due to interspecific differences in the extent to which closures contain suitable habitat, effects of non-compliance, or other factors. Notably, Yelloweye Rockfish (Sebastes ruberrimus), a species key to indigenous diets, were 21% larger inside than outside spatial closures. Possibly reflecting cumulative fishery exploitation, however, old-aged Yelloweye Rockfish were rare. Fishery impacts on size and relative abundance decreased at sites that required longer travel times and greater fuel costs for recreational fishers to exploit, but only for the longest-lived species (size responses) and for long-lived species analysed in aggregate (abundance responses). Measures for protecting indigenous access to rockfishes include evaluation of habitat suitability and compliance within spatial closures, improved understanding of recreational fishery impacts, and treating old-age and large size structures as explicit management objectives. Our study contributes to a global effort to integrate indigenous cultural values with biological conservation

    Cortical mapping of naming errors in aphasia

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    This study utilized fMRI to examine neurological activity associated with picture naming in twelve persons with chronic aphasia. A group fMRI analysis revealed common neurological activity associated the production of phonemic paraphasias in the posterior perilesional parietal and occipital areas. Semantic paraphasias recruited a wide-spread cortical network including, among others, the bilateral inferior temporal lobule as well as spared cortical areas in the left frontal lobe. These findings suggest that common cortical areas are modulated during the productions of naming errors in aphasic patients; even those with different types and severity of aphasia

    Ergonomic risk factors for low back pain in North Carolina crab pot and gill net commercial fishermen

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    Background The objective of this research was to determine the association between LBP that limited or interrupted fishing work and ergonomic low back stress measured by (1) self-reported task and (2) two ergonomic assessment methods of low back stress. Methods Eligible participants were from a cohort of North Carolina commercial fishermen followed for LBP in regular clinic visits from 1999 to 2001 (n = 177). Work history, including crab pot and gill net fishing task frequency, was evaluated in a telephone questionnaire (n = 105). Ergonomic exposures were measured in previous study of 25 fishermen using two methods. The occurrence rate of LBP that limited or interrupted fishing work since last visit (severe LBP) was evaluated in a generalized Poisson regression model. Results Predictors of severe LBP included fishing with crew members and a previous history of severe LBP. Among crab pot and gill net fishermen (n = 89), running pullers or net reels, sorting catch, and unloading catch were associated with an increased rate of LBP. Percent of time in forces \u3e20 lb while in non-neutral trunk posture, spine compression \u3e3,400 N, and National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health lifting indices \u3e3.0 were associated with LBP. Conclusions Tasks characterized by higher (unloading boat and sorting catch) and lower (running puller or net reel) ergonomic low back stress were associated with the occurrence of severe LBP. History of LBP, addition of crew members, and self-selection out of tasks were likely important contributors to the patterns of low back stress and outcomes we observed. Based on the results of this study, a participatory ergonomic intervention study is currently being conducted to develop tools and equipment to decrease low back stress in commercial crab pot fishing

    Trading water for carbon in the future : effects of elevated CO2 and warming on leaf hydraulic traits in a semiarid grassland

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    The effects of climate change on plants and ecosystems are mediated by plant hydraulic traits, including interspecific and intraspecific variability of trait phenotypes. Yet, integrative and realistic studies of hydraulic traits and climate change are rare. In a semiarid grassland, we assessed the response of several plant hydraulic traits to elevated CO2 (+200 ppm) and warming (+1.5 to 3°C; day to night). For leaves of five dominant species (three graminoids and two forbs), and in replicated plots exposed to 7 years of elevated CO2, warming, or ambient climate, we measured: stomatal density and size, xylem vessel size, turgor loss point, and water potential (pre-dawn). Interspecific differences in hydraulic traits were larger than intraspecific shifts induced by elevated CO2 and/or warming. Effects of elevated CO2 were greater than effects of warming, and interactions between treatments were weak or not detected. The forbs showed little phenotypic plasticity. The graminoids had leaf water potentials and turgor loss points that were 10% to 50% less negative under elevated CO2; thus, climate change might cause these species to adjust their drought resistance strategy away from tolerance and toward avoidance. The C4 grass also reduced allocation of leaf area to stomata under elevated CO2, which helps explain observations of higher soil moisture. The shifts in hydraulic traits under elevated CO2 were not, however, simply due to higher soil moisture. Integration of our results with others' indicates that common species in this grassland are more likely to adjust stomatal aperture in response to near-term climate change, rather than anatomical traits; this contrasts with apparent effects of changing CO2 on plant anatomy over evolutionary time. Future studies should assess how plant responses to drought may be constrained by the apparent shift from tolerance (via low turgor loss point) to avoidance (via stomatal regulation and/or access to deeper soil moisture)
